【ボクシング試合日程】 本日!生放送! Prime Video ボクシング11 【堤聖也vs比嘉大吾】【中谷潤人vsクエヤル】 2025年2月24日(月)16:30開始
世界戦友人対決「全力でやり合おう」 堤聖也「結局、殴り合いになる」比嘉大吾「1Rから行く」. プロボクシングWBA世界バンタム級タイトルマッチ 王者 堤聖也(角海老宝石)<12回戦>同級4位 比嘉大吾(志成)(2025年2月24日 東京・有明アリーナ) ダブル世界戦興行. の前日計量が23日、都内のホテルで行われた。初防衛戦の王者・堤聖也(29=角海老宝石)はリミットの53.5キロで一発パス。挑戦者で元WBC世界フライ級王者の比嘉大吾(29=志成)は100グラム軽い53.4キロで、こちらも一発パスした。 計量後の記念撮影では、通常どおり下だけジャージーをはいて臨んだ比嘉に対し、堤は上下のデニムを着直した。フェースオフは10秒足らずで、最後はともに笑顔で握手。「全力でやり合おう」と握手で別れた。
The players know they take risks by going out because today there is social media but all of them were perfect.
One of the most intriguing showdowns between team-mates will see Jorginho go up against fellow Chelsea midfielder N'Golo Kante.
It is why he made a detour to USA before even setting foot on Polish soil. That first meeting was close to four hours, Sousa tells Sky Sports.
With two winners in the last month and over and given away in prizes, could you be the next player to land the quarter of a million pounds?
Again, though, Maggiore felt compelled to make a big call; to do right by himself. Doing so certainly did not hinder his development; if anything, it helped.
Some people will think I’m stupid for saying that, but we have that belief and confidence that we can win it. Not many people on the outside will think that but I’m sure everyone in this dressing room – the players, the staff and the management – all have that same belief that we can.
Rashford, however, insists there are no truth to those rumours and that he is focused on improving his own game.
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